
I grew up in SouthEast Asia (the Philippines) as the child of missionaries but I currently live in Houston, TX.

A “TCK” or third culture kid, is a person who spent a large number of their formative years in a country that is not their parents “home” country. The child learns the cultural norms of both the “host” country and of their parents “home” country, and typically form a third culture that they adher to which gleans aspects of both.

A coworker challenged me to do a “food detox” to start 2014. For me this is more a challenge to my cooking, to see what I can do with out and how i can do things differently. So this blog is my experimental forum for that…and a way for me to push myself to actually write down the recipes I make up. My favorite aspect of cooking is sharing that food with others, and since I am mostly cooking for myself this is a way to do that too!

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recipes, ramblings, and thoughts about all things food